Before the world turned upside down, planning for the third volume of this annual celebration was well under way. The swanky Mercury Cafe upstairs hall was booked, and a dozen independent Colorado publishers were on the dance card for another shindig.
But Time in the age of Corona flows differently; June 27th feels quite far away, given that the world seems to change every evening, yet it also sounds worryingly soon. It is difficult to imagine artistic communities gathering and sharing space again, exchanging words and stories and laughter. Yes, it will happen, I pinky-promise, but the uncertainty of "when" can feel heavy.
Basically, this is both an invitation and a foghorn blast into a murky future. We can't wait to see each of your smiling faces in person (again, or for the first time), but this party may very well get pushed back to a safer season. Tell us you'll be there, and we promise to keep you posted.
May, June, July, whenever... you won't want to miss it. Live readings from dozens of Colorado creatives, and your chance to meet the minds behind some of the best independent publishers this side of the Mississippi.
The Mags:
Stain’d Magazine New Skin Magazine SpitPoet Zine F(r)iction Suspect Press Yellow Rake isPress Nudie Mag Coffee People Salt Mag Punch Drunk Press South Broadway Press
Stay strong, stay kind, be safe, patient and well. See you all soon.