Call for Submissions
Hunger is of the body, but appetite begins in the mind. It begs us not only to fill our plate, but also to feed the remainder, to satisfy wants that become needs that become paths—both worn and fresh.
We salivate at our curiosities and fantasize over potential realities. With tongue licking lips, we taste our atmosphere. These appetites nourish and starve, leading us to (old) growth, teaching us to deceive. They force us to sharpen knives and bow to whims. Forever tugged by these desires for new delicacies, we seek something to sate us.
What are you hungry for?
Where does it go?
What do we do for it? All that hunger?
Stain’d Magazine is accepting submissions for our our sixth volume, the Appetite Issue. Both political and personal, Stain’d Magazine is a literary and artistic celebration of the unseen aiming to humanize and complicate. Accepting submissions in nonfiction, poetry, fiction, photography, visual art, and all things in between.
Deadline - Last Day of School // 2020
We ask for a $5 submission fee per each publication. We are a primarily volunteer run nonprofit, and small fees for written work allow us to continue offering payment to artists and helps to support our organization. If you are unable to make this payment, please simply fill out the form below to say hello and tell us what’s up. We strive to always make art accessible while becoming sustainable as a small organization, and understand (very intimately) how difficult it can be to sustain your work as an artist. We will never turn you away for lack of funds.
Please add a note designating which submission this fee applies.
$5 Submission fee.
Visual art is excluded from this fee requirement.
Payments can be made via Venmo: @Staindpublishers or PayPal
Submissions should be sent as individual attachments (JPEG or Word Document, please no PDFs) with an artist statement as a separate attachment. Each submission should be in a separate document. Send to with the subject line “Volume VI Submission”. Please format your attachments to read: Title of work—VolumeVI. In the body of the email please include the title of the piece, your name and the materials and dimensions for visual work.
Please be thorough in checking your work for spelling and grammatical errors, including em dashes (not hyphens), punctuation, etc.
Image resolution should be 300 ppi.
We ask that you limit visual art submissions to 10 per publication.
Please limit written submissions to 5 per publication (up to 5 submissions for the print magazine, along with up to 5 for the short story collection is perfectly fine). Written pieces should not exceed 5000 words.
Pieces printed in this issue will receive a small honorarium for publishing.
All submissions received during the reading period will be read. The response time will vary according to the number of submissions. We make every effort to respond to all submissions within six months of receipt.
Form to Waive Submission Fee: