You have made it exactly 43 minutes into your Wednesday morning before that bold wardrobe choice becomes a familiar lament.
White? Haven’t you learned?
Read MoreAt times, we all feel like kids at summer camp. As campers, the "mess hall" is where you gather, eat, share stories, and make new messes. This blog is about being stained: the stains we make and the stains that make us—and all the messiness along the way…
You have made it exactly 43 minutes into your Wednesday morning before that bold wardrobe choice becomes a familiar lament.
White? Haven’t you learned?
Read MoreI am the artist and my body is my canvas
You are what you eat, so
I am a few bags of vegan gummy bears
Considered for too long
For the first decade of my life, it was something I rarely noticed. It was just a part of me, like my unruly hair, blue eyes and pigeon-toed gait. However, once I started middle school, the blemish could no longer be ignored.
Read More“If it fell in there, it's yours now,” she said matter of factly, staring past the necklace dangling from my fingers, saying as much with her eyes as her words.
Read MoreThere are few things cuter, and sadder, than a mouse’s unaware butt inside a mouse trap that you’ve caught him in…
Read MoreSitting here, facing a blinking cursor on a blank page, the nail of my ring finger robotically picks at the nail fold of my thumb like a metronome. After I get a bit of traction in the flesh, I switch to the sharper tool of my first finger, which is slightly serrated thanks to a sloppy bite a few hours back, or perhaps yesterday. I don't need to look at my hands to work an itch.
Read MoreThey are south of Castle Rock—I mean, Colorado Springs. They should have stayed another
Night. They’re saying Castle Rock’s gotten six inches, which is actually—see, the Mountains I think were fine. Like—deep in the mountains. I do remember in my youth—